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Procris'PrayertoDiana.jpg (37142 bytes)

Procris' Prayer to Diana
Bernardino Luini
Procris' Prayer to Diana, c. 1520/1522

CephalusHidingtheJewels.jpg (48057 bytes)

Bernardino Luini
Milanese, c. 1480 - 1532
Cephalus Hiding the Jewels, c. 1520/1522
fresco, 2.216 x 1.502 m (87 1/4 x 59 1/8 in.)

TheMisfortunesofCephalus.jpg (39877 bytes)

Bernardino Luini
Milanese, c. 1480 - 1532
The Misfortunes of Cephalus, c. 1520/1522
fresco, 1.762 x 1.073 m (69 3/8 x 42 1/4 in.)

TheDespairofCephalus.jpg (41284 bytes)

Bernardino Luini
Milanese, c. 1480 - 1532
The Despair of Cephalus, c. 1520/1522
fresco, 1.819 x 1.184 m (71 5/8 x 46 5/8 in.)